3 min readMar 26, 2021
An Example of Hyperreality(Metaverse)

Hyperreality is the inability of consciousness that alters the consciousness of people effectively. A successful scene of hyperreality could bring our consciousness to such a state, that we could never distinguish reality from a simulation of reality created by others. Hyperreality is the result of simulation replacing reality, therefore being the new reality of the targeted consciousness. Basically, hyperreality is in fact, a type of simulation disguised as reality. It’s one of the things that makes Post-Modernism itself. It usually involves creativity and combines out-of-the-world objects with real-life objects. Hyperreality could be used both in good ways and bad ways. If we are to give some examples to hyperreality, there are plenty of examples of how hyperreality is used in Movies and Real life:

-Disneyland: It’s one of the most enjoyable places for kids and people who want to escape from reality. The reason is, It has such an ambiance that feels unreal in a positive way. You can see your favourite cartoon characters, dance with ghosts, and do other stuff that you can’t do during your boring office work.

-Las Vegas: City of Sins, is also like a one big movie set. It has replicas of Famous structures across all over the world and is famous for it’s casinos and It doesn’t look like an ordinary city. The roads are the only thing that is flat in the city, unlike tall post-modernistic structures and people getting high from drugs.

-VR games: This is the combination of advanced tech and hyperreality. You wanna slay dragons, good people, and shout random people, causing them to fell down on high mountains and still called as a hero of a virtual fantasy land from the middle ages? You wanna be a race car driver but are afraid of crashing in real life because you are scared of high speed? You wanna kill zombies but can’t find any in real life? Well, I got good news, For only 1 grand and a good gaming PC, you can be all of them.

These were some good examples, however, we can see or experience hyperreality in a negative way as well. Here are some examples that hyperreality is used in a negative way:

-The Movie called ‘’Truman Show’’:I doesn’t want to give spoilers, so I won’t tell what’s going on but you can understand what is hyperreality by simply watching this movie and understanding the plot. If you’re smart and evil enough, you can do the same thing that’s been done to the protagonist in the movie, to people that you don’t like. You can change their perception of reality by making them experience some bad events(simulation) and make them accept this simulation as their reality, altering their minds to a new, hyperreality.

-LSD(acid), Hallucinogenic Fungus, and other things that used as drugs for experiencing hallucinations: Some of them are not too hard to access, I won’t write how, but I don’t recommend using these. But If you ever use them, when it kicked in, you probably experience strong hallucinations, these could include wiggly faces, buildings spinning like an idiotic Snapchat filter, and very high levels of happiness followed by a deadly drop. Speaking of deadly drops, you could think of yourself as a phoenix bird and try to take off from a cliff but in reality, you’re (or were) just a high headed youngster in your rich friends' penthouse and are just went over the rails and jumped of 17th story of the building in the effect of the drug you just paid 100 bucks and you’re now falling to death. That would be a possible scenario If you take such drugs.

I hope you have some ideas of what Hyperreality is now and hope you liked my article. Thanks for reading.




My favourite pets are not cats or dogs.Would love a manta ray as a pet but It would be harmful for him/her.I also love cars,bikes,music,partying,new ideas etc.